Providing Clinical Training for Pharmacists

Upskilling pharmacists to play a bigger role in healthcare provision

Mh Rx Ltd provides clinical skills training for community pharmacists in Isleworth and nationwide. We noticed a large gap in the market for pharmacists to provide patients with routine medical care for minor ailments that take up 20-40% of appointments in general practice. By upskilling your pharmacists to diagnose and treat these minor ailments safely, there are benefits for all. Patients are seen quicker, GP’s time is freed up to deal with more serious problems and you increase footfall and income in your pharmacy.

As well as providing walk-in clinic training and GP pharmacist training , we also provide additional courses in facial line softening, IV nutrition therapy and venepuncture.

We regularly run training courses for pharmacists in Isleworth and nationwide. Contact us for more information or to book a place on one of our courses.

get in touch

We are excited about the launch of a new and enhanced service within community pharmacies as part of Pharmacy First. The clinical pathways component empowers pharmacists to provide valuable advice to patients and dispense NHS medicines, including some prescription-only medications under patient group directions (PGDs), where clinically appropriate. This service addresses seven common health conditions, namely sinusitis, sore throat, earache, infected insect bites, impetigo, shingles, and uncomplicated urinary tract infections in women. To ensure that pharmacists are well-equipped to deliver this expanded level of care, MHRX is offering a comprehensive one-day face-to-face training program. This training covers all aspects of the service outline, including clinical training and examination components. MHRX is committed to enhancing the skills and knowledge of pharmacists, enabling them to confidently and competently administer the Pharmacy First clinical pathways. The training program is available at a cost of £150 per pharmacist. The face to face clinical and examination day will have both theory and practical components. You will also be assessed against a comprehensive competency log. Training is carried out by a specialist pharmacist with over 13 years of experience. Please book by sending an email to [email protected] with your name, GPHC No, pharmacy and the date of training. We will be sending out a confirmation.
Dates of Training
26th November 2023 10am - 3pm
3rd December 2023 10am - 3pm
10th December 2023 10am - 3pm
17th December 2023 10am - 3pm
We are excited about the launch of a new and enhanced service within community pharmacies as part of Pharmacy First. The clinical pathways component empowers pharmacists to provide valuable advice to patients and dispense NHS medicines, including some prescription-only medications under patient group directions (PGDs), where clinically appropriate. This service addresses seven common health conditions, namely sinusitis, sore throat, earache, infected insect bites, impetigo, shingles, and uncomplicated urinary tract infections in women. To ensure that pharmacists are well-equipped to deliver this expanded level of care, MHRX is offering a comprehensive one-day face-to-face training program. This training covers all aspects of the service outline, including clinical training and examination components. MHRX is committed to enhancing the skills and knowledge of pharmacists, enabling them to confidently and competently administer the Pharmacy First clinical pathways. The training program is available at a cost of £150 per pharmacist. The face to face clinical and examination day will have both theory and practical components. You will also be assessed against a comprehensive competency log. Training is carried out by a specialist pharmacist with over 13 years of experience. Please book by sending an email to [email protected] with your name, GPHC No, pharmacy and the date of training. We will be sending out a confirmation.
Dates of Training
26th November 2023 10am - 3pm
10th December 2023 10am - 3pm
17th December 2023 10am - 3pm
3rd December 2023 10am - 3pm